Monday, July 1, 2013

Day 5: Stepping Stone and WorldFish

~Friday June 28, 2013~
~Asia Community Service/Stepping Stone~
Hello all, today we took the bus to the other side of the island of Penang and up the mountain. It was a very scenic view.

Our first stop was Asia Community Service where we visited Stepping Stone. They're a non-government organization that provides help for special needs kids and adults. It's a wonderful program where they enhance the special needs' skills, tap into their creativity, and become their own decision makers. It allows the children and adults career opportunity and training them for a functional life. Reading and writing is not a priority in this program; as they focus on helping these kids and adults function in society. We toured the facility and they make handmade soaps, they weave beautiful fabrics, clay art, baked goods for their salary.

At first I was a little astonished that the kids and adults work and not taught to read or write, but I understood them when they explained that education is very poor there and that they needed to be taught responsibility and be part of their community as active contributors.

They do have some challenges such as being funded entirely by donations, when to "retire" the older disabled members, and marketing their products to a wider audience. Please help them out! For more info about ACS click here about and click here to view their products.
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~WorldFish Center~
I was a little sleepy during their presentation. It was an interesting topic, but sometimes throughout the lecture I caught myself doodling to stay awake. I was also hungry and I could hear my stomach growl. 

Anyway, their mission is to reduce poverty and hunger by improving fisheries and aquaculture. Sorry for the vague description of this organization...I thought we would be visiting an aquarium. I like hands on and interactive learning; sitting in a room looking at slideshows takes a little longer to peak my interest as well as prolong my interest in the subject. 

For a better description than my little quip, visit WorldFish.
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After our little excursion for the day in which we didn't eat a proper meal; my friends and I decided to eat Korean BBQ. We stopped by at a Daorae 
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