Friday, July 12, 2013

Day 17: Stop the Violence!

~Wednesday July 10, 2013~

~Women's Center for Change~
Their mission is to eliminate violence against women and promote gender equality. They began 28 years ago by volunteers. Their 3 branches are service, outreach, and advocacy. They talked a lot about the marriage of a Muslim women. It's very interesting that cases against husbands who abuse their wives doesn't have high conviction rate without evidence. It seems that domestic disputes and violence is seen as a family affair and not to be made public. A man is most likely not going to jail if he hurts his wife, but if a child is hurt then, yes, jail time is probable. They also said that Muslim women who want to divorce their husbands are lengthy and complicated.

WCC has a shelter too. It's at an unknown location so that the women and children who seek help are in no danger from their boyfriends or husbands. Also, WCC is pushing for a higher conviction rate for sexual crimes, especially against children. Currently, the conviction rate if 4%. This disgusts me.

I don't know if it's cultural norms or if men were raised to suppress women, but that's not right because nobody should be victimized in their own home and certainly not be their own family. No women should ever suffer abuse from her husband and no children should endure it either. It surprises me that they law enforcement here take it very lightly calling it a "family affair." So what does it take for it not to be considered a "family affair?" Death?

Please visit here.

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Jumping into a lighter subject. Lunch time at Gurney. I caved and got McDonalds. McDonalds is a popular spot to eat at. I got spicy BBQ McChicken. I believe the US doesn't serve this sandwich! :D
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