~Monday July 22, 2013~
The program is over. Farewell to all the USF students, the Malaysian people, and the food. It has been a wonderful journey and I won't forget. I will always be thankful with what I have and what I'm given. I'm off to Thailand and will be back home in the US on August 1st.
I did have some bumps in the journey especially with the program costs and trying to solve them has been a painful process and pretty much stupid. I don't look forward to that when I come back.
Anyway, make the most of your time! I cannot express this enough. I felt a lot of the students on this trip didn't enjoy themselves as much because their comfort levels were still back home in America. Always do everything you can because you will regret it. You're in a new place let go of your American ways and immerse yourself in culture. It doesn't hurt to try new and different things! Best wishes to all travelers!
Thanks for the memories Malaysia!
Hello Thailand! :D
Hello Thailand! :D