~Monday July 15, 2013~
~School of Biological Sciences at USM~
Today was another presentation about the school and the programs they have. They talked about the 2 programs they have which is pure sciences and applied sciences. Their undergrad year is currently a 3 year program. USF is a 4 year undergrad program. Looking at their course list for the 3 year program looks so vigorous! Some majors they offer are zoology, botany, microbiology, agrobiology, aquabiology, biotechnology, environmental biology, biology and management of vector and parasites.
~Vector Control Research Unit~
More than half a million live in urban areas. The slum population in Asia is 550 million and Africa is 187 million. Urban issues included poor air and water quality as well as infectious diseases. Pest issues include vector borne diseases, economic damages, mechanical vectors, pests of pets, and causing nuisances.
We got to view their mosquito research room and look at some cockroaches. It gave me goosebumps; I don't like bugs, but I enjoy looking at these rooms.
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~Dinner at Khaleel~
Roti canai is yummy! :D
Roti canai is yummy! :D