~Friday July 12, 2013~
~Institute for Molecular Medicine~
Pictures of their well established laboratories!
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~Pesticide Action Network Asia and Pacific (PAN AP)~
They promote healthy farming and healthy communities. In this lecture they talk about the harmful effects of pesticides and their hope to reduce the use of pesticides in hopes that it will lead to elimination of the use of pesticides. They want to promote food sovereignty, biodiversity, based ecological agriculture, advance the rights of women in agriculture, and corporate accountability.
However, I'm a little skeptical on their idea of elimination of pesticides. I do not see how food sovereignty, ecological agriculture will replace food production for the growing population and the demand of food. I just don't see it being successful to turn over a higher quantity of crops or yielding as much for the higher demand of food. Of course, green is the way to go and using resources that are beneficial and useful, but I don't know if it can replace pesticides. I know, I'm a skeptic, but who knows...one day! :D