Thursday, June 27, 2013

Day 4: Gandhiji Ashram

~Thursday June 27, 2013~
~Anwar Fazal~
Another early morning and no breakfast. Today we visited Gandhiji Ashram which is a civic hall in Georgetown, Penang. It also serves as a religious retreat and hosts estate workers who come to Penang for religious festivities. We were greeted by Anwar Fazal and he gave us a tour of the beautiful park behind it and gave a little lecture about his beliefs in health, peace, happiness, and doing good deeds. He's a wonderful man with a gentle and loving spirit. He reminds me of a real hippie!

Something that he said struck me..."health is not just medicine." And it's true! He's very positive and very uplifting. He reminded us to laugh, to smile, to breathe, and be positive. I became so fascinated by him. He closed his remarks with, "we are children of mother Earth and citizens of the universe."

Some pictures of our small hike/tour of the park behind the Gandhiji Ashram which Mr. Fazal guided us.
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 We also had the pleasure to eat lunch with Anwar Fazal. It was so good!
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~Elizabeth Thomas~
There was also another guest speaker named Elizabeth Thomas. When I first heard she was going to talk about HIV/AIDs I wasn't so thrilled because this topic is something I hear about all the time. However, I pleasantly surprised because she talked about her cause and her outreach organization to help those infected with HIV/AIDs especially since sex is a taboo subject and sex education is not given to kids. I was amazed by her organization and her perseverance to shed light on this subject in Malaysia in a place dominated by religion.
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Across from Gandhiji Ashram was a plant and fabric shop. The fabric shop was beautiful. We viewed handmade fabric and hand drawn fabric. The colors were so bright and stunning!
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