Wednesday, June 26, 2013

Day 1: Check in at Universiti Sains Malaysia

~Universiti Sains Malaysia; Sunday, June 23, 2013~
I'm now currently checked into a dorm. My first dorm ever! I room with my friend. It's a simple room and not as glamorous as the "American college experience." The view from my window in my room is so pretty and you can see the mountains.
 photo usm_zpsac66dc15.jpg  photo penang1_zps6cf0a979.jpg
View from le dorm room. Pretty, non? But the smog...
* * *
It's incredibly hot and unfortunately the smog has ascended to Penang. Ever since today, upon the arrival of smog (from land burning in Indonesia). I'm now suffering from allergies and a cough...I'm ready for bed and ready to get bright and early tomorrow...Good night, I'm so exhausted!